
Forges de l’iton has been taken over in 2006 and is a well-known SME for its know-how in produc­tion of forging parts by drop forging or by closed die forging in steel, stain­less steel and high-alloys steels.

Foun­ded in 2012, Concept Iton is specia­li­zed in machi­ning but also realizes the inter­na­li­zed design and manu­fac­ture of the forging product and its tool. All the support depart­ments for both compa­nies are loca­ted in Concept Iton.

Unique know-how, high respon­si­ve­ness but also a skilled work­force commit­ted to our quality mana­ge­ment system, are what allow us to consis­tently meet our custo­mer expec­ta­tions. With the bene­fit of one single-source supplier from the concep­tion to the deli­very of your parts, ITON is able to realize your forged and machi­ned product in tight dead­lines.

By choo­sing ITON as a part­ner, you will have an advan­tage in today’s compe­ti­tive market­place.


Key figures :

  • 20 employees
  • 3,6 M € of turno­ver
  • Export : 27 %

Both produc­tion sites are certi­fied ISO 9001, PED 97/23 CE and AD 2000 Merk­blatt W0 / TRD 100.

Omnis iusto impe­­dit quo vero omnis. Ut blan­­di­­tiis consec­­te­­tur neces­­si­­ta­­ti­­bus labo­­rum et error. Quasi velit in libero quod sint.

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Sectors and Keys Indus­tries

Our forged and machi­ned products could be used in every sector that needs safety and pres­sure resis­tant parts. Our main custo­mers are coming from valves and fittings indus­tries, cryo­ge­nics, chemi­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal indus­tries, oil and gas indus­tries or ship buil­ding.